Kohistan Chromite, Pakistan

We are pleased to announce that our initial ore evaluation of our property in Pakistan has come back with Ore samples ranging from 42% to 44.5% Chromite. 

These are our preliminary results of our study on our mineral claim that Optimineral Associates are developing internally in Kohistan District, Pakistan. It is currently mined via surface adits. These results are the fruits of the labour involved in visiting the site and collecting samples representative of current mining methods there. These chromite composites were hand-collected (by Jonathan Gibson P.Eng.) at our site. One sample was created using some samples from a surface vein combined with some sample from the working face (Sample 2), then another from samples collected from a stockpile close by from a different adit on the property (Sample 1). These composition measurements were performed by Activation Labs (www.actlabs.com).

EDIT: April 28th, 2015

We have successfully taken our first production blast within an existing adit.


Composition Chromite Samples 1 and 2

20150504_090246China Pakistan  20150504_091033 20150504_09100320150504_095924 20150506_114325 20150504_09082720150509_160226 DSC04622  20150504_085725 DSCF0926 DSCF0903 DSCF0899 DSCF0900 DSCF0923 DSCF0939 DSCF0927 DSCF0951DSC04621